About Türel Sut

Türel Süt is a Turkish born British and German artist, painter. He studied Fine Art at Dokuz Eylül Üniversty, Turkey. After his studies, he set up and worked on community art projects in England, Germany and Switzerland.


In 2009, Türel received Local Hero” award in Hastings, England for Making a Community Difference with his art. Making him the first Turk to be awarded in Hastings. Some of his artworks are now on permanent display in Hastings Heritage Museum, Hastings Town Hall and in various locations in England.


In 2014, Türel became the first person to receive the “Golden Key” award from the International Blind Centre, Switzerland in recognition for his project for the blind and partially sighted.


In 2015 Türel was the first person to receive a Turkey Promotion Fund in Switzerland.

In the same year his project titled Sense the Colours based in the International Blind Centre, Switzerland became a museum. It is believed to be the first Turkish established project to become a museum outside of Turkey.


Previously, on 26/07/2011 Türel was selected “Face of the Week” by Suedkurier newspaper, Germany. Prior to this Türel's artwork featured in newspaper articles and radio programmes in England, Switzerland, Germany, Turkey and the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. Another achievement of Türel Süt's is to become the first International recycled art competition organizer in England. With over 100 articles published about him in those countries.


Türel also reached the final of 2012 London Olympic torchbearer.



Winning UnLtd Project Funding award in London in 2009, allowed Türel to set up and run Recycled Art Project which was later awarded Best Art Project in Hastings by the recycled art community. A letter of congratulation was sent to him by the British Parliament.


He is a very good sample of a European artist who has integrated well and become a world citizen


Currently he is working in his Art studio in Konstanz Germany

Achievments of Türel Süt

Türel's Picture in Heritage museum in Hastings England

Türel Süt'ün Başarıları

Türel Süt: Ressam, yazar ve radyo programcısı bir sanatçıdır. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi güzel sanatlar fakültesi resim bölümünde eğitim aldıktan sonra İngiltere, Almanya ve İsviçrede toplumsal sanat projeleri kurup yönetmektedir.


2009 yılında sanata ve topluma karşı katkılarından dolayı İngiltere'nin Hastings ilçesinde "Yerel Kahraman" ilan edilen ilk Türk olmuştur. Resimleri İngiltere'nin Hastings ilçesinde Miras müzesi başta olmak üzere belediye binası ve çeşitli organizasyonlara daimi olmak üzere asılmıştır.


2014 yılında İsviçrede görme engelliler için kurmuş olduğu projesinden dolayı ise altın anahtar ödülü alan ilk kişidir.


2015 yılında renkleri hisset adındaki sanat projesi İsviçrede Uluslararası görme engelliler merkezinde müze olmuştur. Bilindiği kadarı ile Türel Süt projesi Türkiye dışında müze olan ilk Türk ünvanına sahiptir.


2015 İsviçreden başvurup TC.Başbakanlık tanıtma fonu ödülünü kazanan ilk kişidir.


İngiltere'nin bilinen ilk Uluslararası geriye dönüşümlü sanat yarışmasının organizasyonluğunu yapan Türel'in hakkında İngiltere, Türkiye, İsviçre, Almanya, İtalyan İsviçresinde Rumeli TV-Tek Rumeli TV-SKY TV -CNN Türk-TRT-BBC-ITV Meridian-Arrow FM-Swiss Teletop-İsviçre RSI TV-SWR Radio ve Almanyada programlar , haberler yapılmış ve bu ülkelerde gazete ve dergilerde 100’ü aşkın yazı ve makale basılmıştır.



Radyo programları ve köşe yazarlığıda yapan sanatçı'nın 2012 London Olimpiyat feneri taşıma şerefi finaline kalışı, İngiltere Parlementosundan tebrik mektubu alışı, İngiltere'nin Hastings ilçesinde Geriye dönüşümlü sanat grubu tarafından 2009’un en iyi projesi ödülüne layık görülmesi, Londra Unltd proje ödülü, Almanya'da 26/07/2011 Südkurier gazetesi tarafından haftanın kişisi seçilişi ise Türel Süt'ün eriştiği diğer başarılardır.

Achievements of Türel Süt

Türel Süt is an artist, painter, writer and radio presenter. He studied Fine Art at Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Turkey. After his studies, he set up and worked on community art projects in England, Germany and Switzerland.


In 2009, Türel received Local Hero” award in Hastings, England for Making a Community Difference with his art. Making him the first Turk to be awarded in Hastings. Some of his artworks are now on permanent display in Hastings Heritage Museum, Hastings Town Hall and in various locations in England.


In 2014, Türel became the first person to receive the “Golden Key” award from the International Blind Centre, Switzerland in recognition for his project for the blind and partially sighted.


In 2015 Türel was the first person to recieve a Turkey Promotion Fund in Switzerland.

In the same year his project titled Sense the Colours based in the International Blind Centre, Switzerland became a museum. It is believed to be the first Turkish established project to become a museum outside of Turkey.


Previously, on 26/07/2011 Türel was selected “Face of the Week” by Suedkurier newspaper, Germany. Prior to this Türel's artwork featured in newspaper articles and radio programmes in England, Switzerland, Germany, Turkey and the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. Another achievement of Türel Süt's is to become the first International recycled art competition organizer in England. With over 100 articles published about him in those countries.


Radio presenter, colummist and artist Türel also reached the final of 2012 London Olympic torchbearer.



Winning UnLtd Project Funding award in London in 2009, allowed Türel to set up and run Recycled Art Project which was later awarded Best Art Project in Hastings by the recycled art community. A letter of congratulation was sent to him by the British Parliament.

Türel Süt – Seine Erfolge als Künstler


1- Gewinner des Preises „Local Hero” (Held der Ortsgemeinde)

Hastings -England


2- Gewinner des Preises "Goldener Schlüssel" vom Internationalen Blindenzentrum -Schweiz


3- Sein Kunstprojekt: ein Museum im Internationalen Blindenzentrum in der -Schweiz


4- Organisator des allerersten Internationalen Wettbewerbs für Kunst aus Recyclingmaterialien



5- Fackelträger bei den Olympischen Spielen in London 2012: Teilnehmer an der Endauswahl–England


6- Dauerausstellung im Rathaus von Hastings-England


7- Ständige Ausstellung dreier Kunstwerke im Museum für Kulturerbe und Denkmalschutz der Stadt Hastings–England


8- Glückwunschschreiben vom Britischen Parlament–England


9- Auszeichnung „Bestes Projekt 2009” der Gesellschaft für Recycling-Kunst Hastings–England


10- Kommentare beim Fernsehprogramm Saatchies

Art Stars im Rahmen von BBC-Serien zu Kunst–England


11- Mehr als 100 Artikel in Zeitschriften und Zeitungen über T. Süt-Vier Länder


12- Sieger des Unltd Award England


13- Ehrung für Turel Suts Projekt „Wahrnehmen mit allen Sinnen“ von FSC Blind Societies aus Anlass deren 100jährigen Jubiläums, Tenero– der italienischen Schweiz


14- Internationales Blindenzentrum: Ausstellung seiner Kunstwerke-Schweiz


15- Dauerausstellung in Brighting village-England


16- Kunstwerke übernommen von der Grey Owl Society, Hastings England


17- Zwei Kunstgegenstände übernommen von der Hastings Pier Society



18- Gesicht der Woche -26.07.2011 Südkurier-Konstanz



19- Kolumnist in der Zeitung 6N1K-Turkei


20- BBC, CNN Turk, ITV, TRT, TeletopTV, RumeliTV, Tek Rumeli Tv SKY TV ,RSI TV ,ca. Liveprogramme und Nachrichten-International


21- Gewinner des Preises Turkish promotion fund award (Erste Person aus der Schweiz, die ihn gewann) -Türkei



Turel in Media

Turel Sut and Sense The Colours Demo

Swiss Teletop TV (2015)

Art TV with Tony Peek England (2015)

TRT Turkish National Radio (2015)

CNN Turk Turkey (2014)

TRT National TV in Turkey (2014)

İsviçre TV Switzerland- (2014)

Documentary about Turel in Turkish(2014)

English+Swiss+Turkish Media (Mixed)

SKY TV Turkey (2012)

Swiss Italian RSI TV (2011)

Rumeli TV Turkey (2011)

BBC -England (2009)

ITV England (2008)